Saturday, February 01

Obert Gutu Akabatwa Nemahure & Kuvharwa Ne Mari To Quit MDC-T

Prominent journalist Hopewell Chin’ono said that former MDC-T vice president Obert Gutu was trapped by State agents, thus his unexpected resignation.

Chinon’o warned opposition politicians that State agents would trap them using sex and money, and once trapped, they will have no option but to do their bidding. Chin’ono wrote on Twitter:

Those in the opposition should remember this tweet!“Once trapped like @GutuObert, they will make you do whatever they want.“If you resist they will ruin your social reputation!

“If you play the game, they will assign you to whatever they want! Sex and Money, the root of ruined careers.”

Related news 

The political prostitute,  Obert Gutu has prematurely aborted the political marriage with Thokozani Khupenga . Officially , through the streets of social media,  the former announced the divorce . He did not declassify the dossiers of the primacy cause of the divorce .  Allegedly, many citizens of the Commonwealth of Social Media are claiming that Gutu has been having unprotected political intercourses with Zanu PF. Consequently, culminating into him being pregnant with toxic ideas . The ambiance of collegiality between Gutu and Mnangagwa which is exhibited by how the former verbalizes and actualizes his unequivocal support of the latter is very suspicious . 

Furthermore, it is predictably believed Gutu will be ceremoniously announcing his new marriage with Zanu PF. In exchange , he will be handsomely rewarded with an Ambassador position , just like what Zanu did with Maridadhi! 

Gutu needs to be advised accordingly that when he opts to have political intercourse with Zanu, he needs to wear a condom . I mean metaphorically. Recklessly having  a political unprotected intercourse with Zanu PF has inevitably made Gutu susceptible to a political HIV! His mind is now politically saturated with a high political viral load . 

Rest In Peace Gutu ! I mean politically !

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