Sunday, March 09

Nyaya Yakaoma Iyi Lee Musvamhiri Ne Girlfriend Yake MUA Chido F Mukundwa Kuromga Kuda Kuuraya Mukadzi Nevana Hayaa Nyika Yashata Varikutotsvagwa Nepolice Nyaya Yese First Comment

 help me get justice for my children. Last year I discovered my husband was having an affair with a certain MUA who goes by the name Chido F Mukundwa and by that time I was pregnant and was almost due,I confronted my husband and he denied it of course but this







woman actually texted me rudely telling me about their escapades and how she will ensure I don't get to hold my rainbow baby. My husband told me that he had ended things with her and it was her being spiteful what what and naively I believed him. Weeks down the line I delivered but it was not easy and










zvakaita sezvambipera but surprise these two wr still at it and I would find texts in his fone and on Facebook of him and her making plans but she had conditions she stipulated for him kuti vave vese and that involved me and my children being out of the picture. Last week I found messages yet again in his fone and asked him about it and he got violent as he usually does wen I asked him about his infidelity issues. I got beaten to a pulp, to the point he smashed a bottle on my head,wen I cried out f help he ran away and I kids and went to bed. In the wee hours of the morning I smelt








smoke inside the housw only to wake up mumba muchibvira and door was locked from outside. I had to break it kuti tibude but unfortunately I didn't manage to put the fire out. Apparently my husband Lee Musvamhiri is the one who set the fire and stood panze whilst me and the kids wr inside.ndakabuditsa vana and sought help from my neighbours but unfortunately two of my kids wr badly affected and are currently being treated hopefully will be discharged tmrw.








These two people are walking scot free as we speak because mapurisa havasati vavabata. Hw moves around with a blue sienta reg AFI 6134 and he plies town mbare route with mushika shika and they are staying in mbare at her house address not known. Help me get these two to book for the plans they orchestrated. All I want is justice fr my 4mnth old and toddler.anovabata or kuvaona should notify the police as the case is already reported.

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