Friday, March 28

Nyathi family Yokonzeresa Nyaka Nyaka Pakati Pa Moreboys Munetsi Na Sisi Melly Vanhu Vakutodzurana Zvoya

Nyathi family be careful, Moreboys chivharo kana muchida kunzwa zvizere bvunzai Madhumbe Domestic worker akapotsa kufa ashandiswa naMoreboys akamunyima mari yebasa. Akaridza mhere zvaipisa tsitsi akasiya basa nedepression atambwa chikoko round nababa ava. Anotaimira vanhu vadiki vanotambura ndovaanoshandisa and haabhadhari vashandi vese






vakangosauka. Matshirts vanopiwa mudhosvo iye achipfeka jira kwaro matracksuits havatombolumi. Nezuro kunyeba hanzi mota three dzeGreat hope dzauya kwaNyathi apo zvinhu zvinokwana half mota. Moreboys itsotsi muchenjere anoitisa vanhu anoshandisa varombo for peanuts.bvunzai mai mickiThank you guys for the message and support.We should always there to help and support each other.Even if people attack me ,my role was to help the Nyathi family so that they people can appreciate their work .When they requested me to be their manager I even declined.






Munhu akanyora uyu Ndi Sisi Vedu vamunoziva.Vanozviita munhu akanaka kuvanhu but her heart is very evil full of jealous and hatred .Vanoda kuti everything vanzi ndivo.She tried several times to destroy my company even posting bad things about our services.Some people said she changed but the truth of the matter she is still very evil .Her page hapasisina kana anoyendako.No more content at all.







Let’s all support the Nyathi family. Have done my part and they will continue to be brand ambassadors of Great Hope.I urge all companies to work with them

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