Baba Harare mutori mboko infact mutongoriwo gongomutoto chairo.Munoisa post muchitenda vanhu ava kuti hee dai musipo ndisiri chinhu kukanganwa kwamakabva.Muskana uyu anonzi Laura ndiye munhu akakumaketai pano muchiri kuimba
zvana gonzo kuwainira kiti nanaguzuzu vanhu vakawanda vasati vatomboonemafacebook.Magogodera epano pasosho vanondipupurira kuti ndiri kutaura chokwadi .Fanika imi Auntie Jenny munonyatsomuziva Laura uyu ndimi makamhanya nemadrama ake mazuva acho.
Masongs aBaba Harare akapushwa naLaura uyu she deserves recognition kwete zvenyu zvekushaina kuti hee asipo tag them nywee nywee.
He forgot so soon isu vamwe takatozotanga kutereera music yake nekuda kwaFelistas Murata imbwa iyo baba harareI don't think Baba Harare is wrong cause he made it clear that:
1) he's dedicating the page to digital content creators
2) he's tagging people who use their platforms to introduce and influence their followers of his music
3)those left out it's because he can't tag them or find their pages
4)he requested people to tag those ones he left out
So Laura wamuri kutaura pa4 zvataurwa haashaiwe pake Changamire Roxy 👏