FROM INBOX | Good day, Sir. I hope you're well. Yesterday, my daughter was a victim of theft near the flyover on Chitungwiza Road. A group of street kids snatched her wig. She tried to get it back, but the thief ran off into the nearby river, which has flowing water throughout the year. She even offered him money in exchange for the wig, but
as people started to gather, he panicked and disappeared into the ditch. She cried out for help, but sadly, no one came to assist her.Despite the incident, she continued with her errands in town. On her way back, at the same flyover on Seke Road, she encountered a hungry young street kid. She kindly offered him some food and a drink she had with her. As they talked, he opened up and revealed information about the wig. He told her it had already been sold, and the kids were using the money for themselves, but they had excluded him, which upset him.The young boy advised my daughter to be patient and wait nearby, as the person who stole the wig was likely to return. Eventually, the thief did reappear. The young boy pointed him out, and my daughter confronted and apprehended him. She insisted he take her to the person who bought the
wig.They made their way to Copacabana, behind the public toilets near the tuckshops. There, they met a woman with dreadlocks—referred to as "Mhamha Dred." According to the boy, she is the one who sends these street kids to snatch wigs and pays them for it.Fortunately, the wig was still in her possession. The woman demanded $10, claiming she had already paid the kids that amount. My daughter paid the $10 and got her wig back. What the woman didn’t realize was that she was being recorded on video.
This woman appears to be the mastermind behind a wig-snatching syndicate operating in town. I respectfully request that authorities take action and hold her accountable. I have the video as evidence and am ready to share it online to raise awareness and seek justice.Saw this vid makuseni ku ticktok yasendwa ne the daughter....the way i tagged and reposted it ka , am so happy its now circulating.Something must be done.