Amir Edward Mhaka (19) who is accused of leaking Fifi’s nude pictures has been granted US$50 bail.
aaaaa tichaonerera kani kkkkk coz mukomana arkut maNudes afifi aanawo akasiyana neakabudq ayo kutaura kut pator nemamwe kkkkkk and mamwe acho arkubuda pachena manje manje🤣🤣🤣
Boy child akumba hake kutaura kuno, ma courts anoda humbowo hwakakwanaBoy child slept behind the bars last night. One minister and prominent businesswoman munomuziva, ( ordered the police) ngaarare muno nhasi. Hapana kwaanoenda. Mwana ari kuti the pictures he received and ari kutenderedzwa akasiyana.