Friday, March 07

Miss V Candy Voti Olinda Why Kudzoka Kumunhu Akambokusvipa Kudhara Hazvina Chiremerera Kuzvidzikisira

Wazvinzwa here Olinda hanzi naMissCandy gara hako naTytas siyana nezvaStunner izvi uchadzokera kupepa 2As long as achi understand (er) love language yangu yangwe paper 100.



Hazvina kumboipa kudzokera pa "CRIME SCENE"🙈But zvikaitwa newarungu apana anocomplainer, i remember pamuchato waPrince Harry wekuEngland, his ex was their, nd she was recognizedSo TRUE ❣️. OC kuita seasina kuyenda kuchikoro nhandi????



Apa ndipo aitofanira kuprotector Tytan with her life, achiratidza stunner kuti haiwa ndig3re. Ende I survived your heartbreak 💔 😢. OC apa akabhaiza big time, ende ndakasvotwa sei 🙄🙄🙄🙄.


Easy is to judge the mistakes of others, difficult is to recognize ur own. Each to their own munhu ngaite zvanoda nelife yake.Kurikutonzi ndakanzwa izwi richiti we belong together forever yena izvo kwani urikuda kupamhiwa kepiri

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