Friday, March 14

Mike Mbudzi Chimombe & Moses Towerlight Mpofu Vonzi Dzokerai Ku Chikirubhu Until 22 August Makaba USD $9.2 Million

Mike Chimombe’s court application challenging his placement on remand in a matter he is accused of corruptly using false documents to win a US$9,2 million lights tender in Harare has been dismissed.



A Harare magistrate ruled that there is reasonable suspicion that Chimombe was involved in the alleged offence since his signature appears on the forged documents. Hence, he should be placed on remand.




Chimombe had argued that he has nothing to do with Juluka Projects and Plant Hire Private Limited and a purported South African company, ENNDO Lighting and Structural, which are the companies awarded the street lights tender by Harare City Council under the false impression they had the relevant paperwork.

Chimombe is jointly charged with Moses Mpofu, who is the managing director and major shareholder of Juluka Projects and Plant Hire Private Limited.

The two, who are charged with corruptly using false documents, have been remanded to the 22nd of this month

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