Saturday, February 01

MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe Walks Out Of POLAD Meeting In Tears

MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe storms out of POLAD meeting in tears. Yesterday’s POLAD executive principals meeting was rocked with power struggles, heated arguments and skulduggery as principals of other parties cried foul over MDC-T’s dominance in leadership roles in POLAD sub-committees.

Thokozani Khupe, the MDC-T President who is the chairperson of the international re-engagement team, was under attack from most of the principals as they challenged and “harassed” her party members who occupy most of the chairmanship or deputy positions
including as rapporteurs in nearly every committee in POLAD.

She was also interrogated on why her committee spent three weeks at Crowne Plaza
Hotel in Harare, purporting to be engaging with Ambassadors and heads of foreign
missions accredited to Zimbabwe, but no records of what came out of the engagements
could be provided by the Khupe officials “except for three Ambassadors only.”

Said the source: “The Khupe team indicated that in three weeks, it had managed to
meet with the European Union (EU) ambassador Timo Olkkonen, British ambassador
Melanie Robinson and American embassy officials. Others felt three meetings in three
weeks was a waste of time and resources, as the country is facing an onslaught from
many angles including its own citizens angered by lack of a coherent approach in
tackling corruption. “Other principals reiterated that they wanted everything reported to them first as they
felt MDC-T is dominating POLAD. She couldn’t have any of it and marched out in tears,”
a reliable source within POLAD told Zimbabwe Voice.

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