Wednesday, March 12

MDC Alliance Says Chamisa Safe After Vehicle Allegedly Shot In Mutare

Nelson Chamisa was taken to safety after his convoy was allegedly shot at in Mutare on Tuesday afternoon, the party said.

His MDC Alliance party blamed “Zanu PF thugs” for the attack, which comes after a similar incident in Masvingo last week.

“There has been another attempted assassination on president Chamisa. A bullet flew through one window of the vehicle carrying him and went out through the other. This attempted assassination and use of gunshots on president Chamisa’s vehicle and another that is part of his convoy are cause for grave concern,” the MDC Alliance said in a statement.

The party said Chamisa was to his way to Mutare for meetings with community leaders following a similar tour of Masvingo last week. He had earlier stopped in Birchenough.

As his convoy made its way into Mutare, they found the road blocked by two two vehicles. After negotiating their way around that by going off-road, the MDC Alliance said Chamisa was pursued by several vehicles without registration plates.

“Armed thugs threw large boulders at his vehicle which has been badly damaged. The president’s vehicle sped off and was trailed by more than 12 unmarked cars,” the MDC Alliance said.

Party spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said Chamisa was “safe” following the attack.

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