Sunday, March 09

Mashura Inzwaiwo ZiG Marley Uyo Anoimba Reggae Oti Zimbabwe Ndai Inspire Kusvika Pakupa Zita Rangu Kumari Yavo Inyika Here Or Kadunhu Kasabhuku Zvinonyadzisa Izvi

Zimbabwe has a new currency known as ZiG, governor John Mushayavanhu says in his Monetary Policy Statement.

The notes are coming in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100. Coins for half and a quarter ZiGThis is the new Zimbabwean local currency unveiled today by the new central bank governor, John Mushayavanhu.








This new currency is called ZiG.


It has already been nicknamed Zigi Mari after reggae star Ziggy Marley🤣🤣🤣


Mari means money in How many ZiGs does it take to fly from Victoria Falls to Johannesburg?








If you can’t pay for your airline ticket with Zimbabwe's latest currency called ZiG, then it is worthless but only useful as a looting tool for the ZANUPF political elites and their corrupt surrogates!


If you can’t walk into a bank with your ZiGs and buy Rands or any other foreign currency, then the new currency is as worthless as the old one!


ZANUPF has mastered the art of getting Zimbabweans to congregate around empty and useless promises, hoping that it will produce something, and Zimbabweans oblige, which is why ZANUPF continues to keep doing it!





Thirty days from now, inflation will remain the highest in the world unless genuine efforts are made to deal with the elephant in the room, and the new currency will be as useless as the old one being decommissioned today.






Currency is about confidence and faith in the monetary authorities; today there is zero faith! 








Even Zimbabwean government ministers keep their looted money in South Africa, Zambia, or offshore!


Who would want to have faith in a system that the people who run it don’t have faith in?Shona!

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