Friday, February 14

Marry Mubaiwas Arm amputated

Marry Mubaiwa, ex-wife to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, has grown so critically ill that she now wets herself as she cannot gather enough strength to visit the loo.

Mubaiwa faces charges of attempting to kill her husband while he was in hospital in a South African hospital some three years ago.

More details are to follow on her critical health condition as it has been reported that it has reached another alarming sad state. Her hand was amputed in order to help her ease the pain.

Constatino Chiwenga’s ex wife Marry Mubaiwa’s hand was cut off at the hospital after she suffered after the Zimbabwean judiciary refused to allow her to seek treatment abroad. Mubaiwa is suffering from a deadly condition called lymphoedema. She is accused of attempt of murder of Constatino Chiwenga and was given bail.

Her passport is held by the court as part of her bail.

Mary Chiwenga Happier times with VP Chiwenga.

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