Wednesday, February 05

Marry Chiwenga Taken To High Court For Refusing To Pay USD$6 000 Water Bill

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s estranged wife, Marry Mubaiwa has been taken to the High Court by a local water delivery company, Hesno Holdings Private Limited for allegedly refusing to settle a USD$6 000 water debt.

The case is yet to be set down for hearing before the court.

The summons by the water company, has invoices that indicate the dates the water was supplied, the quantity supplied as well as the amounts for each quantity supplied.

Hesno Holdings Private Limited claims it is entitled to US$6 055 being the outstanding balance for the water supplied to the embattled Marry Mubaiwa. “Plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement of sale in terms of which the plaintiff would supply water and the defendant would pay for the water supplied.

“The plaintiff is in possession of two detailed invoices of the quantity of water supplied and the total amount which is overdue,” read the papers read court papers.

The company said it made several demands for the payment but the defendant failed, refused and or neglected to make payments.
“Wherefore, plaintiff prays for payment in the sum of US$6 055 being outstanding balance for the water supplied, an order for interest on the said sum at the prescribed rate per annum from the date of issue of summons to date of final payment,” further read the papers

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