Zvekuti akaba akazovedzera magaro and so forth haaa zvatozviroto mukadzi uyu akabva Kure veduweTese takabva kure just that our lives are not displayed on social media.
This is nothing compared to some of us here.
Just that uyu akazoda fast soft life apa mumusoro hamuna chiro apa usimbe.....Imi asi munofunga kuti akuna vanhu hobho who have been through a lot. Ngaafe uyu vanhu vazorore mbavha inoba because of zemo rembga pahwahwa. Get away. Ngazvife sevarikufa mazuvano avaMunhu anotangira pasi achisimuka,,, ava vanotanga ne kusimuka kuromba,,,, there's nothing wrong abt 2017 aitobaka by that tymPachembere yakabika mabwe iya mukati hatina kunyeperwa here namuchembere anenge akabika nyama akazoisa matombo mumuto kuti vazukuru vasanetse