Tuesday, January 21

Mai naBaba Murata Tengesai Imba Yenyu YeYellow Mobhadhara $56k YemaGonyeti Kuti Nyaya Ipere Felistas Anonyura Mukasabhadhara

Tongai the UK based businesses man whose  semi trucks were sold by Mai TT fraudulently has told Wasu,  that if he is paid $56k he won't take the case to court.. Mai TT is currently locked up at Chikurubhi Maximum prison and is broke. 
If this case is brought to the courts Mai TT could be sentenced to years in prison. The only way to raise this money is for Mai & Baba Murata to sell thier house and pay Tongan $56k USD so he won't take this case to court. 

Cat family is 1 million strong but failed to raise $5k USD when Joey tried to raise money for Mai TT who also owes $175k in Mari yamaRounds

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