Thursday, January 30

Mai keketso anoda kumbogarwa naye pasi

 It looks like Baba and Mai Keketso have finally reunited πŸ™†πŸΎ‍♀️ kutodzokerana ka uku πŸ‘πŸ‘ Congratulations famoooMai keketso anoda kumbogarwa naye pasiKuzoyeuka kukosha kwechikorobho warasa mvura Congratulations kwacho😁😁😁





Mai keketso anoda kumbogarwa naye pasiPERSONALLY iam of the opinion that if it's good for them then let it be like that.We all have our personal lives which are sometimes complicated than theirs.Keep it up it's life ups and downs.Together as one.We are one family

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