Sunday, March 09


Madokero 5 aside Turf has taken a huge attraction in no time
Was excited to see another a few but a lot of ex footballers who stay in and around the Madokero Estate
Milton park Italian club. Was the place where you would have night soccer . Here the lighting is perfect security excellent ambience magnificent .

Magnificent setup nice relaxed atmosphere we can’t wait for the refreshments shop which will open soon
who said the west had no swag It is like a mini replica of Highland Park

I challenge NASH PAINTS
PIC N pay Adidas store
Tv sales TEXAS WORLD REMIT only to mention a few leading brands to have a competitive league soon

That I love is the welcoming family set up Hint got the Madokero Chairman watts to start a leaguealso will not mention the company Directors some my personal friends this is an ECO FRIENDLY TURF # LETS GO GREEN


Excited about the Store that will open here to put icing on the cake.

As we all know DRUGS have taken a huge toll on the community this would be good therapy for our Youths

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