Monday, March 31

Kunyadzisa Nekupisa Tsitsi - Susan Mutami To Address UN Mushure Mekupomera Kubatwa Chibharo By President Mnangagwa

Australia based Zimbabwean Susan Mutami says she has been given the opportunity to address the world about her alleged sexual abuse by President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the United Nations category on Women and Child abuse.

The 33-year-old claimed a few weeks ago that she was raped by Mnangagwa when she was only 15. She reported the case to the Australian police before the matter was taken up by Interpol.

Mutani confirmed she has been shortlisted to narrate her ordeal before all human rights organisations, Heads of State from around the world.

“Hie everyone I hope u are all well and #RegisterToVoteZW. I just wanted to let u know that I’ve been invited to speak at the UN this year in New York, Category Women and Child Abuse and also Chief Svosve pro democracy workshop, UN protests and to be one of the key note speakers,” she said.

Zimbabwe Advocacy for Human Rights and Exposing Corruption confirmed the development.


“Congragulations to Susan Mutami she has been given the opportunity to address the world about women abuse, her sexual abuse by Emmerson Mnangagwa at the UN General Assembly where world leaders gather, Susan Mutami is going to narrate her ordeal before all human rights organisations, Heads of State from around the world including Zimbabwe, Susan Mutami like many other women was abused by Emmerson Mnangagwa, she was raped and missed by a whisker from being infected with Hiv/Aids by Emmerson Mnangagwa.

“She is now in Exile in Australia,The Australian government has offered a state security cluster to protect from Zanu PF wolves,” read the statement.

Mutami claims she came into Mnangagwa’s care when her father who was a powerful Zanu-PF official died.


She narrated that at one point the Zanu PF leader forced her to suck his manhood inside a green Jeep vehicle in 2005 when she was a minor at 15.

Mutami said attempts to report the abuse to Mnangagwa’s wife Auxillia were in vain as she claims the now First Lady accused her of being a prostitute.

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