Friday, March 07

Ketina Was Paid Na Lovenes Samaz Kuti Ashamwaridzane Namaitt Fungai Mutisi Madam Boss Sister Is Part Of The Syndicate Ketty Was There To Collect Information For Her Master To Destroy Maitt

Dhiri ririapa nderekuti KETINA Haasi Dhaka boy wa mai tt, Master wake chaiye chaiye ndi LOVENESS. 

Ketina Ananiah akabhadharwa kuti ashamwaridzane na Mai Tt, mari yakapihwa mai tt yakabva kuna LOVENESS. 

Changamire Is Peaceful is part of the syndicate. KETINA’s mission was to collect as much information as she can to destroy Mai Tt and ari ipapo obva aparadza ma close relationships ese a Mai Tt, that’s Tete Mildred and Cousin Rose. 

Pavakaona kuti haasisina close friends and relatives, vakabva va tuma Doreen to start the fire. 

They are creating fake stories nemamwe echokwadi just to destroy Mai Tt. 

Please note, Madam boss is not part of this.

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