Wednesday, October 02

Jah Prayzah Announces New Music From Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr

Jah Prayzah woke up this morning to give us good newspaper that his super star son Mukudzeyi will be releasing new music soon.Jha prayzah posted on his Instagram account that his some would be releaseing new music soon with a caption "Rova Ngoma Mwanangu"

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At age 10, Zimbabwean star musician Jah Prayzah’s son – Mukudzei Junior – is already following in his father’s footsteps.

It would have been odd if the boy had not shown an interest in music: for half his life he has appeared in dad’s videos.

Now he has released his debut single, titled “Rovai Ngoma”, which translates to “play the drum”.

Within four hours of its release, “Rovai Ngima” had attracted more than 20,000 views on YouTube.

“I never expected such a result on my first try in the music industry,” Mukudzei Jr told The Southern Times Arts. “Music is something that is within me, but honestly, for a very long time I never had the confidence to tell my dad about it.

“I recorded ‘Rovai Ngoma’ without even planning it. It happened one weekend when my dad took me to his studio. Seeing one of his producers (Victor Stot) in the studio I seized the opportunity and went into the booth and recorded with his guidance and assistance. My dad was impressed and the rest is what you are seeing now,” he said.

But Mukudzei Jr has no intention of doing much in the studio at present. His dream is to practice law. And if time allows, he will do what he can in the music industry.

“I know it’s too early for me to start talking much about the future, but what I can tell you is that, in as much as I love music, I still love school and I wish to become a lawyer someday. My plan is to balance the two, study hard and learn as much as I can from my dad.

“I have a very close relationship with my dad and he supports me in everything I do, so as long as my father is on my side I have faith I will archive the two, (music and education).

“Currently I am not working on anything. My dad doesn’t want me to put too much pressure on myself, he says I should get enough time to play, read and do other staff that other kids do. So for now since I recently released something, I am not working on anything but after resting a bit I will do another project.

“My dad is my favorite artiste, and I mainly listen to his music because someday I want to become like him.”

Jah Prayzah, naturally, is thrilled by his son’s first steps down the road he has taken.

“I am proud of my son. He has a passion for music and he is very keen to learn and fine tune his talent. In as much as the lockdown has brought more harm than good, I would like to think that it was somehow a blessing in disguise as it has given me more time to be with my son and guide through his music journey.

“Mukudzei is still young and I have no doubt that he can balance both music and school as long as the resources are there. As a father I will play my part to make sure that he reaches where he is aiming to be someday,” Jah Prayzah said.

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