Sunday, March 09

Imi Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Zvirikuitika Mu Zimbabwe ZRP Nhasi Kwa Madzibaba Ishmael Yafukunura Ma Bodies Anodvika 110 Neevana Vaingouraya Vanhu Zvionerewo Mashura

Exhumation complete, body of the child taken to a local mortuary for post mortem. Madzibaba Gideon's brother speaks from the shrine.







#hmetroThe body of a child who was allegedly buried at Madzibaba Ishmael Chokurongerwa’s shrine at Lily Farm in Nyabira without the knowledge of the mother was expected to be exhumed this Friday.






The mother of the child, Memory Mukanairi pleaded with authorities for the body to be exhumed.

It will be the second exhumation of a body at the shrine after the exhumation of the remains of the late Professor Itai MuwatiKungoti he attempted to flea motopfuura munhu zvopera hatidi kupedzerwa ma resources nevanhu vasina basaZvakaoma shuwa....vanofana kupfeka zveBlack








kwete zve white maSatanist vanhu ava aaah...kutoviga vega zvitunha who does that...Dai vese vne hma dzakvigwa ikoko dzikatorwa aaaaah ishuuuuuuka une zvikukutu mmmmmmmmmKune hama dziri kunzii missing from long back zvinodaro munhu akafa kwa baba awa akavingwa

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