Friday, March 28

Greatman Oudza Sir Wicknel Chivhayo Ndipeiwo Wheelchair Izvi Zvave Zveupenyu Not Majokes Atinombita Aya Aiwa

To me this one is like i own a car,ndikashaya this one pangu pandiperera nekuti ndiwo makumbo angu iwaya.i’m now dreaming this as my third electric wheelchair,andisati







ndamboimba hangu kuma rallies eZANU PF kwete nekusada asi andisati ndambodeedzwako. Nhasi ndauya kwamuri Sir Wicknell mukandibatsira ne this gift it will help me survive for the nxt 3 to 5 years nekurerutsa mutoro kuvabatsiri vangu.






Hama dzangu help me kusvitsa chichemo izvi zvava zvehupenyu kwete majokes atinomboita aye.

Take note this wheelchair is not for luxury but is for life or death

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