Monday, January 27

Greatman Music Otokanganwa Olinda Akamutengera Wheelchair

Greatermans is naturally mischievous and he is a bonafide opportunist. He systematically uses humor and caricatures under any means either necessary or unnecessary to quench his mischievousness . Y’all remember a year ago , Olivia philanthropically gave Greatermans a wheelchair to improve his mobility factoring in his physical condition. Notwithstanding such a selfless gesture from Oliva, he mischievously embarrasses her publicly . Very ungrateful man ! 





Be that as it may , Greatermans has a valid point . Clearly , the emotional umbilical cord that attaches Olivia to Scanner is still intact. I can imagine the psychological torture Titus is going through seeing Scanner philandering with his wife . 






Words fail me!Greatman Music ndotenderwa here kufamba newe ndichipusha mota yedu ndakatakura speaker plus kukubatira mic uchitaura kuti vanatsonzwe kkkkkkkkChihure chinonyadzisa vakomana thus why





chakavakirwa malodge not baba vedu vaitoti small house nekunyara kutaura shokoChihure chinonyadzisa guys mavekuchirerutsa these days...imagine God's friend David akatenderera guta rese akazora madota.....

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