Friday, March 07

Greatman Achatitadzisa Kupinda Denga Oti Nyangwe Mukandivenga Hamufe Makandinokora Tsoka Nekuti Kubva Ndizvarwe Handisati Ndambobaiwa Pasi Petsoka

Unotonzwa umwe akuti ndakuganza or ndakuvhaira but ndenge ndichitotaurawo chokwadi mufunge kut kubva ndizvarwe andisati ndambobaiwa pasi petsoka🤣🤣🤣






Sry to those hu ar taking it too far its not personal but its a joke plus chero ukandivenga ahufe wakandinokora tsoka😂😂😂🤣Reply manyama😂😂😂 chero ukandivenga haufe wakandinokora tsoka, like “lirally” i like this guy😂😂 he is the true definition of


1.dada nezvauri

2.never mind haters

3.dont give a fuck what they say👌👌👌

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