Saturday, January 25

Fungai Mutisi Madam Boss Sister Oti Maitt Muroyi Vainonyenga Mudhara Murungu Wawo Kuseri And Telling Lies

FUNGAI MUTISI MADAM BOSS SISTER SAID Maitt A witch - kupusa ungaita secret nemurungu !

She inboxed baba Changamire and told him lies and unbelievable stuff. So Baba Changamire started asking me questions and I told him , if you keep on asking me about what this person told you then , I am going to block you. 


The following day I blocked him and send him back his ring. 


She gets into baChangamire’s tik tok to reply things. Now baChangamire is depressed because he never saw it coming , he never thought I would call it quits. I warned him and he was manipulated by this fake celebrity ! 


Udzidze murungu haana secret ! I can’t post an open email details because ndoswera ndasungwa.


I am not desperate for marriage !


Hoyo murungu 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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