Wednesday, November 27

Fans Worried Stunner May End Up Like Mukoma Masimba With His Erratic Actions On Instagram

Many of Stunners fans have started to get worried that thier favorite musician maybe going through some form of depression or episode. Stunner has been posting videos on Instagram where his behavior has been very different from the Stunner many of his fans know.

It started a few weeks ago when Stunner was fighting with his ex-wife Olinda Chapel and body shamed her and insulted her in a very disgusting manner. Mudiwa Hood and DJ Shugeta even tried to tell Stunner not to act in such a manner. Stunner went further and blasted Shugeta on one of his Instagram posts.

Stunner has also been acting like someone not married and as a father. Stunner has been making Instagram video where he has been talking about zvinyadzi and drinking alcohol none stop. With another top celebrity Mukoma Mukoma having suffered some mental issues some feel a same situation maybe happening to Stunner. Below are comments from fans of Stunner who feel something is going on with their favorite rapper. 

Ndoma celeb emunyika yedu yezimbabwe aya akomanaka chinyika chotambura ichii😢😢😢

Wy this man achida zvekunetsana nezvimoko...netsana nevarume ....ukuzvidonhedza weight nezvinhu zvisina basa...

So embarrasing,akurasika uya

he is probably depressed something is not right kumba uko

Ndabvako ndamunyarira hamadzake dziripi nhai Peter pan uyu🥴😄

ichembere so no one can control him but dai asingaite izvi he has a teenage daughter she will see this mess 🥴

Umm baba ava I suspect vakasiwa ne mukadzi chete mazuvano kamutambiro kava kuita ku insta uko umm

Mmmmm vamwe vakadzi vakashinga moyo🤔kuona murume wako achitambisirwa magaro

nde ndazviziva kuti Mandla haashaikwe ikoko

Tabveyo. Asi mukati vachine mukadzi here baba vaya?

Askana ka...vabereki vebenzi havana zororo sure🙌🏾🤦🏽‍♀️. Stunner ane daughter atokurawo zvekudai...i wonder how he would feel 1 day kumuona achiDrawerawo mumwe murume 9 nechiuno.. #Bratbasted 😳🤬

#DhukuforDionne veduwe anonzwa sei

on saturday vaiva vese ku HICC 🤣🤣🤣imba yacho ndeye mapenzi oro they pimp each each

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