Sunday, March 09

Dr Phillip Chiyangwa Weds Love Of His Life Sarah Frankis

FLAMBOYANT businessman, Philip Chiyangwa, says his wife is the ultimate woman of his dreams. Chiyangwa wed Sarah Frankis at a private ceremony at his Borrowdale mansion on Friday. Captains of industry, members of the clergy, who included Prophet Walter Magaya, and some politicians graced the occasion with some of them showcasing their dancing skills.

“A great moment for my lovely wife and I,” Chiyangwa told H-Metro. “It was a long time coming. “I had no doubt in my life that she is the one. “Since I laid my eyes on her, I knew, Sarah was the one. “We have been through the best and not so good times but our love is unshaken. “It was a long time coming.

“I had no doubt in my life that she is the one.“Since I laid my eyes on her, I knew, Sarah was the one.“We have been through the best and not so good times but our love is unshaken. Killer T’s song Kana Ndanyura was a hit with the wedding guests.

The wedding venue was also decorated with a range of flashy cars.

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