Friday, March 28

Desmond Chideme Stunner Is Stunning

Mudiwa Hood, Ginimbi, Phillip Chiyangwa take a back seat gentlemen, we have a news sheriff in town and Stunner Da Des is his name. When it comes to kugeza and smart Olinda Chapel could not of said it better “Panyaya yekugeza baba Celeste vanogona" If an Ex can give such compliments who can deny the fact that Stunner is a fashion trend setter.

Stunner can wear maTommy EMUTOWENYEMBA and make then look cool. Stunner’s wardrobe is not limited to urban wear only where he dominates with his color coordinations. Stunner can be exquisite when he dresses in bussiness or formal wear, or BALL GENTS like they say in Zimbabwe.

After seeing Stunner give David Beckham run for him money, we had to give Stunner Da Des SANDO DZAKE paSMART. To Zimbabwean guy’s step up your fashion game because Stunner is now at another level.

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