Wednesday, March 19

Chamisa ,Tendai Biti,Job Sikhala,Hoyo Geza Apa Signal

PLEASE SHAREπŸ™ | Main Points from Cde Blessed Geza's State of the Nation Address: 


πŸ“Œ Mnangagwa poisoned Chiwenga 

πŸ“Œ Mutsvangwa, what did general Chiwenga do you wrong? You love Mary more than your wife? 

πŸ“Œ No one can fire me from Zanu PF in fact I'm the one who fired ED neZvigananda zvake. What is left is for them to vacate.

πŸ“Œ The looting spree continues with ED's signature being the face of it POSB scandal underway.

πŸ“Œ ED has turned RBZ into a personal tuckshop.

πŸ“Œ Notable names mentioned Chivhayo, Garwe, Pockello, Scott, Guvamatanga, Mutamba, Tungwarara, Mutsvangwa, Garwe etc be warned. 





πŸ“Œ The signal was delayed only on public safety grounds, we had to plan and act well BUT decisively. 






πŸ“Œ The signal is on its way, it's coming. 

πŸ“Œ Chiwenga, Chamisa, Biti, Sikhala, Chibaya, we have spoken to all of them. For your own information, no one hates Chiwenga.

πŸ“Œ Transitional government on the horizon.

πŸ“Œ 31 March 2025 munhu wese muRoad

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