Sunday, March 09

Chakaroverwa Holyten Chobuda Pachena Yaive Nyaya Yechi Zvakaoma Izvi Hoyo Hoyoo

He was beaten not because people wanted him to perform but that people are angry that's he endorsed zanu PF and also is spoke badly about Wonky. Don't play around with angry citizensPane mbama kwayakabva 







Havaizikusiya uchidzika pastage usina chawakavatadziraSaka vanhu mukutorwadziwa na Holy Ten zvekutodaro nhai.







You're now resorting to violence, this is such a shame. So you think his fans havazvigoni here izvi and what would be the end. Makapusa stereki vanhu imi, that's why I always say you deserve the leadership you got yana mnangagwa ndiyo chaiyo yenyu iyoyo 😳

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