Monday, September 09

Cat Family Yovhunduka Kuona Mbuya Murata Vakakiya Mucheno Make Up Ne 10 Inch Wig Vachifara Nekutamba NaMai Bwanya Mai TT Vachipfidza Ku Chikurubhi

Cat Family Yovhunduka Kuona Mbuya Murata Vakakiya Mucheno Make Up Ne 10 Inch Wig Vachifara  Nekutamba NaMai Bwanya Mai TT Vachipfidza Ku Chikurubhi. Mai TT has been in prison for almost 1 week and Mai TT.s mother Mbuya Murata does not seem bothered and is celebrating with Mai Bwanaya 5 years anniversary of her Church.

Most people would think Mbuya murata would be concerned and trying to find ways to help Mai TT and her 2 kids Fifi & Titi. Watch the video below as Mbuya Murata Celebrates.

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