Friday, February 07

Blessing Tafadzwa Asungisa Vakadzi Makore 20 Avatakurisa Madragi Ku Mauritius

Fellow Zimbabweans we need your help in locating the lady in the photos below. Her real name is Blessing Marufu also known as Mrs Mutsena based in South Africa. Blessing recruits Zimbos promising them jobs in Mauritius. Zimbos are being used as drug mules to Mauritius,they are obliviosly fed heroin with instructions not to eat anything till they arrive at their destination so that they excrete pellets of heroine.

As we speak 13 Zimbos are awaiting trial for drug trafficking in Mauritius,they were all recruited by Blessing Marufu. These are young people who thought they had found work yet they didnt know kuti they were used as drug mules.

David Simbarashe Munyengwa (27),  Godfrey Zisengwa (25),  Katros Chabata (25), and Frank Mageza (25) were arrested on 4 October and they are awaiting trial in Mauritius. Anoziva hama dzevanhu ava may you please inbox me as we try to get them  legal help. 

There is also a girl by the name of Michelle who is in jail in Mauritius,she left a 9 month old baby as she thought she had found an opportunity to make money.

Blessing is married to one Kenneth Mutsena...Please help us locate her as she is one of the syndicate leaders.

As a follow up to my earlier post,it sad and disheartening to learn that the girls in the picture below appeared in court in Mauritius today. 

They were convicted and sentenced to 20 years each in prison. They had no legal representation,they had no external help from their families as their families didn't know where they are.

These girls were recruited by Blessing Tafadzwa the woman I mentioned earlier. She is the one who organised those T-shirts they are wearing and told them to lie to
custom officials that they were going to a Roman Catholic church conference.

They swallowed heroin but some of it was put in their bags,they were duly caught at the airport.It's even sadder as the slim girl with her hair tied into a knot left a 9 month sick baby.

Fellow Zimbabweans if you happen to recognise the other girls in the picture, inbox me so that we inform their relatives.

I have engaged the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the issue and he is taking it up, looking for ways to help.There is still window for an appeal.

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