Friday, March 07

Baba Harare Why Kuenda Nezvinyawu Zvigure Kuradio What Do We Learn From This Zimbabweans Not Happy

Nazvo zvi Nyawu👹mu studio? What do we learn from this 🤔 ko iko ka Olla kutosekerera zvakadai🙌🏻Nyika yaenda kumagumo shuwaZvine basa reiko chero akaita webrotherhood. Arikudawo zvebrotherhood


ngaangoendawo.Zvirikurambidzwa here🤷Let's respect each other's culture. Ndopatinosiyana nevarungu. They respect others cultureWAts wrong its his style..enda kuchikoro kana uchida kudzidzaSaka nyika inoenda kumagumo nekuda kwenyau , musuriwako munyori uite mushee


All I know is zvigure their origin ndezveMalawi, nyika ichatorwa nachimwene takavarairwaI think criticism of our own or on our own is one of the biggest problems that we have as a country. Those people that you see the ones you calling Zvinyawo are a very important group or society I should say who have contributed so much to African civilisation and edutainment we should never lose history because of adopting one's doctrine we have failed not only as a nation but as a continent due to failure of appreciation amongst ourselves let's hope this post of yours will make you realise to celebrate those who have brought them forward Star FM djollah_7 DJ Ollah 7 Star Fm.


Baba Harare thank you for recognising those who comforted us during and after the chimurenga #africanprint #AfricaUnite #solidarityChandakanyanya kufarira zvigure izvo zvinogeza tarisai tsoka idzo mozonotarisa zvekuKadoma kupedza nyota via kuNhererera makananga kuchisangano mozodzoka pano,but ini ndakafara hangu kuzviona handina kungosekerera chete 😂

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