Friday, March 07

Anesu Chirenje Wife Mellisa And Lorain Guyo Anova Ashungurudza Mukadzi Uyo Akavhirirwa Shop Yemabraids And Anoti Avenenhumbu Yababa Avo Tatelicious Otimwa Kuti Amise Lorain


Anesu Chirenje ndi Prosecutor pa Harare Magistrates.

Ndiye muridzi wenhumbu ya Lorraine Guyo.

Anesu is currently engaged to Mellisa Gaza ,picture Ra Mellisa I will put it mu comment section.

Lorraine is currently fighting na blesser wake wekuvhurisa shop yevhudzi uya anonzi Tinashe because of Anesu.

#APA_REFERENCE : Mellisa Gaza ndiye andipa this information and date I received the information is ( 3 July , 2023 ) 

( GAZA , 2023 ) .


Sunungukai henyu kuziva guhwa renyika yenyu , ITS YOUR RIGHT AS ZIMBABWEAN CITIZENS🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


#HOMWE_iHOMWE👏👏👏👏👏Wetha Lorraine aine nhumbu or not but IYI NDONYAYA IRI ON THE GROUND.


Handinei nezve nhumbu yake, handishande kuma teneti ward ini🤣🤣🤣🤣


Changu kupa vanhu GUHWAAAAAAA PERIOD !!!!!


#Homwe_iHomwe👏👏👏👏👏Chero Mellisa ariye andipa guhwa but she's not giving hake.


Ane kaku Kura , kakukwegura ,Kakudya maChristmas akati kuti.


Kahu grandmama


She's not giving 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Mahure ANGU please go and inbox the prosecutor Anesu ,mudzvamurirewo Lorraine because iye akadzvamurawo🤣🤣🤣🤣


Varume vashoma honai inini handisisina MBORO which caused shortage muvarume vemunyika.


So patronise Anesu kutsiva mboro yaQueen wenyu 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hoyiiiiiii 🔥🔥🔥🔥Good pocket won't loose things, it keeps it neatly and securely so that when comes on sharing day everyone gets a share equally. Kwini to the wewewe. ❤️.This is the beautiful Mellisa Gaza ❤️

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