Saturday, February 01

Advocate Chamisa Gets Tough On Mnangagwa

Compared to Emmerson Mnangagwa, Former President Robert Mugabe was at kindergarten level in terms of dictatorship, MDC Alliance leader, Advocate Nelson Chamisa has said.

According to Advocate Chamisa, Mnangagwa has taken dictatorship to a shocking level.

Speaking to reporters in Harare on Wednesday, Advocate Chamisa said:

"It's a banana republic as you can see by the conduct of Mr Mnangagwa. We never thought that Mnangagwa will be worse than Mugabe but instead he has proved Mugabe to be a toddler in dictatorship.

Mugabe was actually the banana in pyjamas, at cartoon level.

He has actually taken dictatorship to another level.

We will have have to make sure that Mnangagwa is shown the way that is shown to all dictators. They have to exit the people's spaces and have to be shown the way and that time is coming."

Advocate Chamisa made the remarks after visiting his lawyer, Advocate Thabani Mpofu at the Harare Magistrates Court.

Advocate Mpofu was granted RTGS20 000 .He is facing frivolous and dubious charges.

"When you are a lawyer, you are construed as an enemy of the State

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