Friday, February 07

Abducted MDC Alliance Members Found Near Bindura

THREE Movement for Democratic Change Alliance members who allegedly went missing on Wednesday were found along Bindura Road, according to the tweet by the opposition party.

The opposition alliance claimed the activists were “badly injured” but social media followers demanded to see pictures of the injured.

“Cecillia Chimbiri, Hon. Joanna Mamombe & Netsai Marova were found badly beaten & dumped along Bindura Road. They have since been rescued with the help of our lawyers. The Police attended the scene. They are currently in the process of checking into a medical centre for treatment,” read the MDC tweet.
Soon after posting their tweet, Zimbabweans responded, airing their views and opinions concerning the issue.

One Kundayi Masekesa responded, asking the MDC-A to show the nation pictures of the wounded opposition party members.

“@Kundimasekesa Replying to @mdczimbabwe show us the pics of the ‘badly beaten girls’.Musade kutiona semapenzi,handiti ku Bindura ndokumba kwana Sisiriya….”

Another social media user by the name Mueramoyo tweeted, “Replying to @mdczimbabwe If you showed us their pictures during the demo, you could surely give us their pics after the alleged ,*badly beatings*. Or the vanguard haisati yasvika neTomato sauce and GV.

Another twimbo,@rebellious ONE equated the whole incident to the Peter Magombeyi issue. Replying to @mdczimbabwe “They staged a 6 min demo Disappeared after a few pics Reported missing Local Police unaware of any demo Police denies having them in custody Show up dumped by roadside Magombeyi

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