Saturday, March 01

A Message From Tatelicious Karigambe-Sandberg

Tatelicious Karigambe-Sandberg is someone Zimbabweans have come to love and cherish mainly because of her honesty. Its no secret that she is the Queen of Sviro and she does not shy away from letting everyone  know about her exploits. 

Recently Tatelicious shared video clips of her enjoying Sviro, these video clips went viral and many of Tatelicious fans enjoyed watching her in action. Some people did not approve of the videos. Tatelicious is who she is and noone is forced to like or watch her. Facebook has options to block or hide peoples timeline feeds, if you are not a fan use these options. 

Tatelicious Karigambe-Sandberg recently anounced she is launching a Sviro group which is basically an escort service. Tatelicious wants to help people in Zimbabwe and in the Diaspora find and make love. To get more infomation about Tatelicious's Sviro group you can contact her via her facebook page 

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