Mukoma Trevor Dongo vararisa musikana ane nhumbu yavo panze. Musikana uyu wacho anonzi Natasha aperekedzwa nehama dzake who wanted her to stay with the musician as husband and wife because they claim he is responsible for her pregnancy. Reports indicate there was chaos throughout the night as Natasha kept banging on the door, but Trevor refused to open it. Speaking through his lieutenant, Kelvin Motsi, Trevor said everything had now been sorted out with his pregnant lover, only identified as Natasha. This followed an engagement he made with her aunt. “Natasha came with some unidentified men whom we doubted to be her relatives. “Trevor felt threatened and
Matt Audios Achifunga Arikutaura Ne CID Achinyepera Patricia Jackie Ndiye Achasungwa Inzwai Achitaura Futi Zvekurohwa Futi Inzwai Chikiti Wenyu.
Right I’m up now ndrikunzwa ndagadzirirwa bhomba kudini kudini. Below are videos and messages from Patricia jack harassing and bulling me since 2019 up to date these are just a few of my collection. What exactly did I do to her tht makes me insult me everyday? Did I steal from her? Am I owing her ? Did I offend her in any way? In all her insults have you ever warned her to stop ? She calls me and my entire family all sorts of names have you ever warned her to stop ? I have only responded to this woman twice thinking she will use her brain but definitely she doesn’t know where to stop . She claims she doesn’t get arrested she s strongly connected bla bla bla. Now that I have taken a legal route you
Patricia Jack Abuda Mujeri Zimbabwe Yese Irikupembera Yoramba Hutsinye Kuvanhu From Chikiti
Mashoko Makukutu From GreatHope Moreboys Ana Tytie Ne Nyathi Fb Ngaive Second Income Zuckerberg Anogona kungozvivhara Izvi Muchivhairira Vanhu. Inyathi yaiudzwa iyi iwe kana usinga ziye bvunza Kuchata hakuna kuipa but kana vasina kuroorana anatezvara vanotii motovapa mari yeroora first Hapana chanacho Tytie chinoshamisira Imi mukuchata nani mkoma Mobie asking for a friend Kusapota vachititaridza misuri yavo here Ndinokumbirawo following yenyu vanhu vashe I'm a farmer. Kindly visit our page muonewo zvatiri kuita thank you so much
Makorokoto Felistas Owudza Cat Family Kuti Ane Mimba YaShumba
Felistas Otuka Joey Nyikadzino Uri Hure Risina Mari Mazitako Anemaburi Contribution yangu chaiyo yawakaita wakadya mariyese ukanyeba kuti you are paying people on my behalf taking advantage of vanhu vakakupa mari thinking you are helping. Now you are threatening me unofunga zvawakaita mukurumbira wechihure unofunga unotyisa inini. Huya kushop kwangu kana urihwaga rehondo uone kuti zvinokuipira seyi. Wakajaidzwa ndakunyararira nguva yareba. Kushata kunge murume anemimba.
A source close to the singer said the musician well-known for imitating the late sungura maestro Tongai Moyo is finding it tough in the music industry. “He likes music, but it appears the odds are heavily stacked against him because he is struggling to hold shows,” said the source. “I don’t think his group is still around.” First Farai’s last album, Fantastic Farai Ubwada was released in 2013, since thEn the singer took a sabbatical, claiming that live shows were not paying due to the economic situation in the country.However, on Thursday he rubbished the reports insisting that he was working on a new project. “I am in the studio working on my forthcoming album. I wanted to release the album this month, but I ha
ZN TV NEWS :The court trial of Edwin Mhaka (19), who is accused of leaking Felisha Muzeya's n*de pictures, failed to kick off at the Harare Magistrates Court yesterday as the State is still to receive a cyber report on the matter. Muzeya (aka Fifi), whose pictures have gone viral on social media, is the daughter to socialite Mai TT (Felistas Murata). Prosecutor Ms Nomsa Kangara sought a trial postponement saying there was a need for a cyber report relating to Muzeya’s phone, which was handed over to police on May 2, 2024. Mhaka’s lawyer, Mr Admire Rubaya, expressed displeasure at the delay saying he intended to file an application for Mhaka’s removal from rem
Mapurisa Ekanzuru Ouraya Mukadzi Vendor Anga Achitengesa Mutown Video Racho Ma1 Zvaitika Izvezvii.