I have figured being quiet hurts than speaking out ..God I'm writing this with soo much rage, pain and anger. Nobody understands how it feels to be me. My life ha changed from being that vibrant happy soul,to that depressed paranoid young single mom whose been misunderstood by the society. The question is, before you have judged me did you take time to understand me? . I blame myself for being with a celebrity, never knew I would be a laughing stock for having a child out of wedlock. Can you believe all the months I carried my baby mudumbu, hapana kana rubatsiro rwandakawana from someone who got me pregnant. I could not feed well apa I have a child mudumbu. I thought of how my life is and how it will end. 1 thing I know and now understand is that iam a strong woman. A lot
Moti nyika inonaka seyi tiine mbiti dzinopembedza mbhavha dzinoba Mari yeproject yenyika nxaaah💩💩The same.guy akaba mari ye ma getsi..akanzi nema courts haana mhosva..akabhadharwa mari pamusoro pazvo.. Nhasi akushaina nemota..zvonzi iwe hausi kuShanda nesimba ndosaka usinawo mota dzema mirioni.. Its not only him but vamwe varimuchi game ichi munovawona muma streets.. Guys let's try our best kubvisa ZANU 23 August 2023! #NERO
Sir Wicknel Chivhayo Showing Off His Luxurious Cars Worth 5 million usd vanhu voti You will never Compete With Ginimbi aifadza vanhu iwe problem hapana Kana wawakambotengera shampompo
Tete Mildred ummmmm ndatya nemi zvakumaker sense now yoh@kety Ketty Masomera ummmm vanhu vanotyisa ava haaa ,stay clearence tete Mildred oh mumwe achapika Jere gore rino senge imi muri kumhiri .....zvandanzwa zvandityisa veduwee that's why tete midhi makangopora pora henyu muri masindicate nakamuchachilo. Tete Mildred you have a case to answer. Makapa kamuchacha mari yekuti arovese munhu akafa. Huh panenyaya kana chiri chokwadi
KETTY Masomera has denied leaking Mai TT’s nude video and pictures on social media. She claims she only found out about them in a WhatsApp group. Mai TT accused her former husband, Tinashe Maphosa, of forwarding the nudes to Ketty, who is based in Ireland. However, Ketty told H-Metro that the accusations were false. She claimed that it was Mai TT’s ex-lover, Forget Muranza, who leaked the nudes after Mai TT promised to pay back a loan, but never did. “She is blaming me for something I didn’t do just to poke me. “Her ex-lover, Forget Muranza, is the one who leaked her nudes. “His mother passed away and he asked Mai TT for money and she was busy with another man and asked me instead to send Forget the money and promised to pay me back, b
Pandakatumirwa maphotoz ndakashama ndakavhunduka ndokutarisa zvaari ndakavhunduka ndokuzvitarisa ndokushamiswa kwazvo. Ndokuzoona video yemunhu arikutamba nesikarudzi yakaora pasina chiso achinzi ndini zvekare ndakatora nguva kuzvitarisa ndokushamiswa zvekare kuti nekugeza kwese kwandoita ndingaita tsvina yakadaro? Ndokuona kuti kwakuwedzera salt kuti zvinyatsondibaya. Mapicture andinoziva ndeayo andakatorwa video na Tinashe maphosa ayo aatora akaedita to feed his ego akatumira Ketty Masomera. kuita kurembedza mazamu nephoto edit nekuita kurova hake backyard yangu neiron. Hongu zvinonyadzisa asi kamawaneyi after?? Blackmail yemanudes ndakaitangwa kare ndosaka ndakaramba ndichitokonya kuti buritsa so I can be free . Mabuditsa zvese nekuwedzerera asi chokwadi mochiziva henyu kut
Pane raarikudya mbolis manje zvikiti this time muchaita sei.Mai Tt why kubvuma kutorwa mavideo wakadaro😭Sorry for the sake of vana ini hangu I will not share.I urge others to do the same please🙏🙏 Icho chinodya mbolis kunge chikudya nzimbeiro vende riya mukati harisi rekurohwa kubhawa vid yawaituka tinashe iya yaswera ichi trender nhasi umm shamali une mkanwa makaora chero idzo hama dzagidza dzichaona ndondo
Nezuro makati kuchikoro kwasisi kopfekwa mask kana usina haupindi ko apo ndiye ega akayipfeka kutoisvitsa kumaziso chaiko mwana ari mujere uyu akutoshaya kwekutizira kunyara nemubereki kusvika pakuzvivhara faceShame anondinzwisa tsitsi Fifi..She is desperately looking for a way out.Ndotype dzinozongokoneswa nedhara kunzi ndokurentera flat ndiye nyaa hamumuwone futiMwana webenzi hana mufaro
Uyu muroyi pachake uyu munhu wepi anofarira kuparara kwemumwe mukdzi ndosaka mwari akamuranga anogobuda masiririUyuvo uyu anenge asingabvaruri machira, uchingotivo maziromo akaita sokuti gongo regwavava
Ndin ndega ndot ndikatarisa face ya Bev ndonzwa kutyaa mmmm kunge chimhukaa worse mazisoo🤗😫😫😫😫😫Kabhevhari katori kakutu zvako Iko kushata kunge munhu akadhumhiraShe's just over bleaching i think its addictive, once you start you don't know where to stop. Ndaona aita saMshozi /